SWISSCONTACT vous invite à son “Mentoring workshop”
Si vous souhaitez soutenir la prochaine génération d'entrepreneurs qui démarre dans les Balkans, rejoignez-nous! Le Programme d'entrepreneuriat * vise à renforcer l'écosystème de l'entrepreneuriat dans six pays (Albanie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, la Macédoine, la Serbie, le Pérou et le Vietnam). Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter ci-dessous l’invitation en anglais.
Do you want to support the next generation of startup entrepreneurs in the Balkans? Join in!
The Entrepreneurship Program* aims at strengthening the entrepreneurship ecosystem in six countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Peru and Vietnam). The program works with relevant startup support organisations (incubators and accelerations) and provides strategic support to improve their business models and acceleration programs. Mentoring is a core topic of the program, because startups perform better and are more likely to survive with support from a professional mentor. Therefore, the startup support organisations are encouraged to build up pools of professional local and diaspora mentors, who have experience working in a private company and/or built up their own business.
From February 20-24 2017 a global peer exchange meetup will be hosted in Biel, Switzerland bringing together managers of startup support organizations from all targeted countries.
The week is a unique opportunity to meet engaged personalities who want to support entrepreneurship in their home countries.
We invite you to join in during the mentoring workshop held on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at InnoCampus in Biel, starting from 14:30 including a joint dinner. You will get the opportunity to see first hand how we work on mentoring and meet our partners.
If you do not have the time during the afternoon, come over only for dinner! We are looking forward to seeing you in Biel!
More information on the program see
For registration and more information please contact Teresa Widmer –
*financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs / implemented by Swisscontact and J.E. Austin Associates
Télécharger le documententrepreneurship-program-at-a-glance
Télécharger le documentInfos sur l'événement
- Date de début20 Février 2017
- Heure14:30
- LieuBiel/Bienne
- Date de fin24 Février 2017 - 23:00
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